
Save File

Select a save file to check:

Please use the full save file named with your farmer's name (or farm name) and an ID number (e.g. Fred_148093307); do not use the SaveGameInfo file as it does not contain all the necessary information.

Default save file locations are:

Advanced Usage

The vast majority of players will just load their save above and not worry about anything else. However occasionally someone may want to check out certain game seeds and/or override some of the values in their save. This is done by adding URL parameters which are explained below.

Valid URL parameters are listed below; each can be set via either a descriptive long name or a short abbreviation (neither of which are case-sensitive.) As an example, if one wanted to run Predictor with a game seed of 42069, set the days played to 250, and mark the desert as unlocked they could use the following URL:

The URL for the current prediction with all non-default parameters set (useful for sharing) is:

Long NameAbbreviationTypeDescription
versionvSemver identifier
e.g. 1.6.0
Sets what Stardew version to use for predictions
gameIDidIntegerSets the game seed
daysPlayeddpIntegerSets days played which changes where calendar views start
dayAdjustdaIntegerOffsets days played by the given amount to deal with old multiplayer bugs
dailyLuckdlFloatSets daily luck for garbage checks; will be forced into range [-0.1, 0.1]
Note, this is raw luck before special charm is taken into account
luckLevelllIntegerSets luck buff level (from food, rings, etc.)
geodesCrackedgcIntegerSets number of geodes cracked by the host
mysteryBoxesOpenedmbIntegerSets number of mystery boxes opened by the host
ticketPrizesClaimedptIntegerSets number of prize ticket rewards claimed by the host
timesEnchantedteIntegerSets number of times enchanted by the host
trashCansCheckedtcIntegerSets number of trash cans checked by the host
timesFedRaccoonstfrIntegerSets number of times the raccoons have been helped
deepestMineLeveldmlIntegerSets deepest mine level (will max at 120)
visitsUntilY1GuaranteevgIntegerSets the countdown for guaranteed red cabbage seed at cart;
use -1 to disable and -99 to reroll
canHaveChildrenchc1 for true, 0 for falseCan host/spouse have children (legacy for predicting 1.2 night events)
quarryUnlockedqu1 for true, 0 for falseQuarry unlocked and quarry mine visited
desertUnlockeddu1 for true, 0 for falseDesert unlocked
greenhouseUnlockedgu1 for true, 0 for falseGreenhouse unlocked (i.e. repaired)
ccCompletecc1 for true, 0 for falseCommunity Center restored
jojaCompletejc1 for true, 0 for falseJoja Community Development complete
theaterUnlockedtu1 for true, 0 for falseTheater unlocked (non-Joja version)
hasFurnaceRecipehfr1 for true, 0 for falsePlayers have furnace recipe
hasSpecialCharmhsc1 for true, 0 for falsePlayers have the special luck charm
hasGarbageBookhgb1 for true, 0 for falsePlayers have read The Alleyway Buffet
gotMysteryBookgmb1 for true, 0 for falsePlayers have gotten Book of Mysteries from Mystery Boxes
leoMovedleo1 for true, 0 for falseWhether Leo has moved to the Valley
hardmodeMineshm1 for true, 0 for falseMines are set for hard difficulty
qiCropsActiveqc1 for true, 0 for falseQi Crops special order is active
useLegacyRandomleg1 for true, 0 for falseSave uses Legacy RNG seeding




This tab predicts two things: which two days the Bookseller will appear each month, and some of the items available for purchase on those days. Results will only show those books which are randomly chosen. Other items in the shop are either always present (e.g. Price Catalogue) or have a non-random trigger (e.g. Queen of Sauce Cookbook which appears after 100 walnuts have been found) and are not included.


Predicted results from playing the Blackjack-like card game at the Oasis Casino. The results tell you what actions to take to win the game if possible. The game does not keep a cumulative counts of plays in the save, but instead uses a fresh counter every play session. As a result, the layout of this tab is a little different with two sets of navigation buttons. The top set lets you change the day of prediction, and the bottom set changes number of games played in the current session.

Since one can bet "Double or Nothing" following a win, coins can be quickly accumulated during long win streaks although one must be careful to avoid overflowing their coin count into the negatives. If starting from nothing, overflow would happen on the 22nd consecutive win.

Stardew 1.6 added a very rare chance for the dealer to draw a card worth 999 and results in the player winning 3 times their bet. Predictor should indicate when this is likely to happen (the roll is modified by both daily luck and luck buffs) but it does not currently attempt to search out this result.

Crane Game

This calendar shows the presence of the worst villain in Stardew Valley, the green shirt man who hogs the crane game at the Movie Theater. He will always be there on your first theater visit and also after every movie. His presence before movies (for later visits) is predictable and shown below.

Desert Festival

This is for various predictable details of the Desert Festival.

  • For the shop vendors, the app assumes Kent is available only after year 1 and chooses Leo's availability based upon his status at the time of the save. Additionally, the character pool's order is somewhat volatile and will almost always change with marriage status changes because of NPCs moving to or from the farm. Predictor does its best but this is an area where predictions will sometimes be wrong.
  • The Free "Cactis" image should show the correctly rolled parts but it won't look exactly like the in-game sprite.
  • The makeover outfits received from Emily and Sandy have a 75% chance to roll unique to each player and a 25% chance to roll a generic male/female variant. The app will show the specific result for all players in the game if possible. Note that the game has protections against giving you an outfit which has the same shirt or hat as you are currently wearing; the app does not currently account for this possibility so will sometimes misidentify the outfit if you are wearing makeover items already.


Predicted results from enchanting tools and weapons at the Forge in the Volcano. The number of times enchanted is a cumulative count across all items; forging a weapon with a Galaxy Soul will also increment this count. Note that in multiplayer, each player's enchant count is tracked separately; for multiplayer saves there is a drop-down menu which will let you choose which player to use for predictions. This will only affect the highlighting for pre-1.6 saves but actually affects the predictions for 1.6 or later. Searching is not currently supported.

Beginning in version 1.5.2, the two previous enchantments on an item are excluded from the pool of outcomes. The results are a little bit confusing because of this as there can be as many as 3 possible outcomes listed. The first one is guaranteed if the weapon has never been enchanted, and hovering over the "..." will show a tooltip with some greater detail. Additionally, hoes and watering cans are assumed to be Iridium level so that the "Reaching" enchantment is available.

Pan enchantments were only introduced in Stardew 1.6 but will show for all versions.

Select Player:

Garbage Cans

This calendar shows the prediction of some Garbage Can loot. While luck plays a big role in what you find in cans, there is still a good amount of predictability. Most notably, the Garbage Hat and Trash Catalogue are nearly guaranteed; if they show up on this list, it should happen in game. Additionally, some results are highly reliable because the roll is good enough to pass the check even with worst possible luck. Some caveats about these predictions are listed below:

  • Some item spawns (e.g. hat and catalogue) will only trigger if you have checked a minimum number of cans; the app will use the host's count of trash cans checked when making predictions, but this value can be overridden with a URL parameter. Other spawns rely on progression markers such as desert access or deepest mine level; these also will check the host's save values (and can also be overridden).
  • Daily luck can play a factor in garbage loot in terms of both whether something drops and what that something is. By default the app assumes worst possible daily luck, but the luck value can also be overridden by a URL parameter.
  • The Qi's Crop Special Order will cause an additional RNG check early in the process. The app will try to detect this quest and adjust accordingly, but this roll can also be forced on or off with a URL parameter. If the quest is active, it will show on all predictions including past and future months.

Gem Bird Types

This shows which types of Gem Birds will appear in each Island location; this could be used to complete the jungle gem shrine puzzle before all birds are encountered in-game.

Geode Processing

Predicted results from cracking open all types of geodes at Clint's Blacksmith Shop. The number of geodes opened is a cumulative count across all types. Results can be browsed twenty at a time or searched using a case-insensitive substring (regular expression wildcards are allowed.) Note that in multiplayer, each player's geode count is tracked separately; the browse results are initially set and highlighted based on the host's count. Note also that while Mystery Boxes have their own counter and item pool (and are thus predicted in a different section of the app) having Clint open a Mystery Box of any type will also increment the geode counter.

Artifact Troves and Golden Coconuts are technically geode types but have their own special item pools. When opening Golden Coconuts there is a small chance for the chosen item to be replaced by the Golden Helmet; browsing results will show this potential replacement, but the player will only actually receive the hat if they have not previously gotten one. Similarly, during the Qi's Crop Challenge, all geode types have a chance to drop either 1 or 5 Qi Beans instead of their normal items; this is also shown on the browsing results.

Artifacts and minerals which need to be donated to the museum will be marked in the results, however the Fossilized Skull (which can be found in Golden Coconuts and donated to the Ginger Island Field Office) does not have donation status checked.

Stardew 1.5 introduced a Geode Crusher machine which opens the basic 4 geode types. This machine uses the same RNG but in version 1.5 its counter is offset by 1. For example if you have already crushed 12 geodes, the next geode cracked by Clint will use the results from line 13, but the next geode cracked by the Crusher will use the results from line 12. This discrepancy was fixed in version 1.6

Select Player:

Krobus' Sewer Shop Stock

Partial inventory list for Krobus who sells items in the Sewers. While his stock is static on most days, there is a random fish sold on Wednesdays and a random cooked dish sold on Saturdays; these items can be predicted and are listed below. Results can be browsed by week or searched using a case-insensitive substring (regular expression wildcards are allowed.)

Special Mine Floors

This calendar shows the prediction of various special levels in the Mines and Skull Cavern.

  • Mushroom levels respawn in version 1.3 and earlier, but starting in 1.4, mushrooms will only appear on your first visit. Mushroom chances are different in the hardmode mines and the predictor will use the current state of the mines for all predictions.
  • Monster and slime infestations are persistent in all versions and can be revisited multiple times per day.
  • Quarry levels were added in 1.4; this is when the level uses the gray quarry mine tileset and spawns grey & brown slimes as well as Haunted Skulls. These can only happen if the quarry itself has been unlocked and will override other types of infestations, so the predictor only calculates them if the save has quarry access.
  • Dinosaur levels were also added in 1.4; these have a grassy tileset and are primarily inhabited by Pepper Rex. They can only occur in the Skull Cavern, and the predictor will check up to level 500 for them. Note that this prediction is not 100% accurate because the logic the game uses to determine which map to use for a particular level in the skull cavern uses a different (unpredictable) RNG and certain maps are not allowed to be Dinosaur levels.

Mine Chests

Starting in version 1.5, one of the advanced startup options allows for randomized loot in the mine reward chests. This loot can be predicted and is listed below. Note that even when this option is used, some of the chests still only have one possible reward.

Mystery Boxes

Predicted results from opening all types of Mystery Boxes at Clint's Blacksmith Shop. The number of boxes opened is a cumulative count across all types. Results can be browsed twenty at a time or searched using a case-insensitive substring (regular expression wildcards are allowed.) Note that in multiplayer, each player's box count is tracked separately; the browse results are initially set and highlighted based on the host's count.

The Book of Mysteries becomes more and more likely as more boxes are opened until you get one. The app will base its predictions on whether or not the save indicates that the host has gotten a book, and this can be overridden with a URL parameter. One result of this is that a long-term search if the book hasn't yet been found will eventually be dominated by only the book.

Golden Mystery Boxes have a slightly different drop pool if the player has unlocked the farming mastery perk. Because of the order of the random rolls, this results in the item chosen usually being different. In this case we handle the difference by having 2 separate Golden Mystery Box result lists.

If the result is "Seasonal Seeds" the type of seed is an unpredictable roll based on current season (with all possible in winter). Possibilities include Cauliflower, Green Bean, Parsnip, Potato, Pepper, Radish, Wheat, Corn, Eggplant, Artichoke, and Pumpkin.

If the result is "Raccoon Seeds" the type of seed is the same as you would get from seed dig spots on that day. Possibilities include Carrot, Summer Squash, Broccoli, and Powdermelon.

Select Player:

Night Events

This calendar shows potential overnight events on the farm. These events will not occur if there is a player wedding the next day, and they will also be overridden by a restoration event from the completion of a full Community Center room or a Joja Community Development purchase. Most of these events also have other checks they must pass to actually trigger (such as finding a suitable location), so they are not 100% guaranteed; in particular the strange capsule and stone owl events were extremely rare in earlier versions of the game, and in Stardw Valley 1.5.3 or later the strange capsule will only trigger once per save.

In version 1.6, there is a new windstorm event which occurs sometime after the Greenhouse repair; the possibility of this event changes future event predictions because it causes an additional random roll even after it has completed. Any day which could be the windstorm will be marked with a stump icon on the calendar. Additionally, the app will try to detect in the save whether the Greenhouse has been restored (this can also be set with a URL parameter) and use that status when predicting other events. Be careful when looking ahead for future events if repairs have not been completed yet.

Notes: The app may misidentify the type of event in version 1.2 if the farmer has the possibility of having more children.

Prize Ticket Machine

This tab shows predicted rewards for the prize ticket machine in the mayor's house.

If the result is "Raccoon Seeds" the type of seed is the same as you would get from seed dig spots on that day. Possibilities include Carrot, Summer Squash, Broccoli, and Powdermelon.

Select Player:

Raccoon Bundles

This tab shows predictions for both what the raccoons will ask for and what reward they will give upon completion. Their requests will often vary by season so the app will list all 4 season options when that happens.

Some rewards have an option of "Next unshipped item". If at least 100 Golden Walnuts have been collected and Full Shipment has not been achieved, this reward will be the first unshipped item encountered on the Shipping Collections tab; otherwise it will be four Mystery Boxes.

Sandy's Oasis Shop Stock

Partial inventory list for Sandy who sells items in the Oasis shop. While her stock is mostly static, beginning in version 1.4 there is a random shirt sold every day; this shirt choice is predictable and listed below. The shirt is always 1000g. Results can be browsed by week or searched using a case-insensitive substring (regular expression wildcards are allowed.)

The app identifies shirts which cannot be obtained through tailoring. Those which can be chosen at character creation are marked with their choice number while those that cannot be chosen at creation are marked Oasis exclusive. Both types can probably be found as random drops in Stardew 1.6.

Mastery Statue Blessings

This calendar shows the prediction of the two mastery statues. For the Statue of Blessings, there may be two possibilities listed based upon whether it is raining. Traditional Festival days will also use the rain choice. If the Blessing of the Butterfly is chosen (only possible for non-rain), hovering over the "..." will show which map to check for each player. For the Statue of the Dwarf King there are always two choices for each player to pick from and those choices are listed here.

Train Schedule

This calendar shows the predicted train spawns on the Railroad map. The time of the train can be predicted, but the type of train cars and amount of dropped items cannot.

Note that a train will not spawn on the first day after a save is loaded or reloaded.

Traveling Merchant Cart/Boat

Inventory list for the traveling merchant. The merchant operates a cart in Cindersap Forest every Friday and Sunday (6am - 8pm) and also appears at various festivals. Results can be browsed by week (all festivals are treated as a separate week) or searched using a case-insensitive substring (regular expression wildcards are allowed.)

Stardew 1.6 drastically changed how the items are selected. Predictor does a pretty good job for an unmodded save but still has some issues such as Furniture prices and often misidentifying the random skill book when it triggers. If you play with mods that add items or furniture, expect most cart predictions to become even more unreliable.

Wallpaper from Pierre and Joja

This calendar shows the prediction of which wallpaper and flooring items are available at Pierre's General Store and the Joja Mart. This was mainly useful for those who used a bug that caused wallpaper to be interpreted as another item (which is the "equivalence" listed on the results. As of version 1.4 most (if not all) of these exploits have been patched and the equivalence is now meaningless, but this tab might still be relevant for those who want to get a specific wall/floor without buying the Catalogue.

The app will use the CC completion status read from the save (or URL parameter) to determine whether a particular store should be shown at all.

Due to shop changes in 1.6, Pierre and Joja always sell the same wallpaper and often (but not always) sell the same flooring.

Green Rain

Starting in Stardew 1.6, Pelican Town weather can be partially predicted. If the app shows "Rain" it could also be (unpredictably) upgraded to a Storm, and if the app shows "Sun" it could be (unpredictably) upgraded into Wind/Snow depending on season. Ginger Island weather is not predictable.

Feast of the Winter Star Gift Assignments

This shows the secret gift assignments for the Winter Star festival. The actual gift(s) the player(s) will receive cannot be reliably predicted, but a list of all the possibilities is provided. Starting with version 1.5, the presence of Leo may affect the outcome; the app will predict based upon Leo's current status.


Older changes