Welcome to my personal collection of reference documentation for the PPJA (Project Populate JSON Assets) family of Stardew Valley mods and some closely-related mods that may not actually fall under the PPJA umbrella. The official documentation has always been a large spreadsheet used by the PPJA team for organization, but I found it a bit difficult to use as a player. So this set of webpages was created by a set of custom perl scripts to automatically extract information from the various mods (as well as the base game) and put it all together into a (hopefully) more accessible format.
Mods covered by this reference are listed below; note that each individual summary page will only include those relevant to that specific topic. On this list, mods which are officially part of PPJA are prefaced with the symbol Ⓟ and are listed first in the list. Mods with multiple components are listed with the primary component (JA for most mods; BFAV for animal packs) first and the other components grouped together under that.
Below are the links to the various summary pages for this reference. In general, each is a set of sortable tables summarizing various aspects of the mods. There are some profit calculations included, but by necessity they are simplistic and assume base quality without any value-adding perks. Those interested in the profit aspect might also want to check out this spreadsheet put together by a different PPJA user.
If you have any suggestions for improvement or bugs to report, please contact me either at MouseyPounds#0557 on Discord or through the topic for this project on Chucklefish forums.